Hello NOSCAR Racers,
   Our initial BGN season has come to a close with Dan Johnson winning top honors. There are only two races left in the
WC division with Dan Johnson already attaining enough points to be declared the winner in both divisions.
   The Rusty Tailpipe Winter Tournament will consist of the following five races.
   Dan, note AI settings!
NOVEMBER                                                                      DECEMBER
18th.   Lowe's [night]    AI 98%                                     2nd.   Talladega    AI 101%
25th.   Watkins Glen     AI  [to be determined]           9th.    Richmond   AI 99%
                                                                                             16th.   Michigan   AI [to be determined]
   Bill Boyd is the Tournament Director with Dan Johnson graciously serving as the Race Director. I want to thank Dan for
serving in this capacity. I also want to thank Mike Schrader and Dan for their contribution to prize pool.
   There are special considerations for this tournament. They will be enumerated in the following paragraphs.
   Firstly, ONLY DRIVERS WITH FOUR OR LESS TOTAL WINS in either division may participate. Why? To give the
rest of us the opportunity to enjoy the thrill and satisfaction of winning a race online.
Dan, Note the following race settings!
   Secondly, only NOSCAR  members of either division may participate. The races will be run on Saturdays and will be run
at 45% length. Setups will be O P E N.  Race temperture will be clear and 70 degrees.
   Road courses will be run with ARCADE damage and with NO YELLOW FLAGS. Single file starts will be used on road
   All races will be run with a 20 car field. Any positions not filled by live drivers will be run by a AI driver/car. Ensure that
you have installed the multi.lst that has been forwarded to you. Your car should be first on the list.
   We will be running with the same cars that were used during the regular season. NO NEW CARS PLEASE.
   Thirdly, as an added feature, there will be monetary prizes awarded to the first five places at the conclusion of the
tournament. All prizes will be awarded through PayPal. Only drivers with a PayPal account will be awarded prize winnings.
   The Championship prizes are:    1st.  40$        2nd.   30$        3rd.   15$       4th.   10$       5th.   5$
   If upon placing in the top five, a driver has no PayPal account, such prize will be donated to the server fund. A PayPal
account is free. A PayPal account is not required.
   All races will be saved as a replay. Incidents will be reviewed. If it is determined that an incident is clearly CAUSED by a
poor driving decision or lack of ability, AND the incident forces anothr driver OUT OF THE RACE, the offending driver
will be awarded placing points one below the driver taken out. This includes AI drivers. This is done, regardless of where
the offending driver actually finished the race in question.
   If a individual driver is again found guilty of CAUSING another car out of a race, that driver will be placed five[5] places
below the driver taken out. A third such incident will place the offending driver ten[10] places lower, etc.
   Other than what is stated above, normal NOSCAR protest procedures will apply.
   What I am attempting to establish here is a respectful give and take racing atmosphere during the tournament. Let's all
be determine to race hard, fair and smart. If we do, we'll all have fun, and maybe finish the races together.
   Fifthly, there is an additional 40$ Racing Team Prize. PayPal requirements apply. The total points accumulated by both
team members will determine the winner.
   Team standings in no way affect the individual tournament standings or prizes. They will be determined by individual
The following teams have been declared. Thursday is the cutoff for a tournament team declaration.
1.  T.O.P.       Two Old Prix Racing Team                                 aka.          Glenn Tucker / John Hoover
2.  B.O.P.      Birds Of Prey Racing Team                                 aka.          Michael Schrader / Bill Boyd
3.  K.A.T.N.   Kick Ass and Take Names Racing Team        aka.           Bill Brooks / Michael Dellasala
4.                                                                                                        aka.           Ed Miller / Joe Marino
   Finally, if anyone has something helpful or constructive to say or submit, or any questions, please feel free to contact me
at the address below.
Your Fellow Racer,
Bill Boyd
NOSCAR Deputy Director / WC Division Director
Winter Tournament Director
Michael Schrader
NOSCAR Commisioner